Can You Repair Cracks Underwater?

You can repair the pool surface without draining the water. You can fix gouges, dents, and cracks using an underwater pool repair kit. As long as the cracks or holes are not too big, a mixture of putty and plaster may temporarily solve this problem. Still, it is wise to have your pool inspected by a professional as DIY repairs are only temporary fixes. What begins as a small crack could become a large leak that equates to expensive repairs in the future. How to Repair Pool Cracks Underwater Remember, you can do underwater pool surface repair as long as the cracks and holes are small. Otherwise, you’ll need a swimming pool repair service from a local pool company . Here are things you’ll need for underwater pool crack repair: Swimming goggles Snorkel (optional) Paint scraper Putty knife Wire brush Trowel Underwater Epoxy Putty Underwater Pool Plaster Cleaning and preparation steps before applying any underwater pool repair kit: A. You’ll need to put on your swimming goggles so y...